Acupuncture Provides True Pain Relief
Excerpt "A new study of acupuncture found it can ease migraines and arthritis and other forms of chronic pain. The findings provide strong scientific support for a therapy used by an estimated three million Americans each year. Though acupuncture has been studied for decades, the body of medical research on it has been mixed to some extent by small and poor-quality studies. Financed by the National Institutes of Health and carried out over about half a decade, the new research was a detailed analysis of earlier research that involved data on nearly 18,000 patients."
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Acupuncture As Effective As Drugs For Pain, Sydney Morning Herald →
Acupuncture As Effective As Drugs For Pain
Excerpt " An acupuncture trial in 4 Melbourne emergency departments has found it is as good as drugs in relieving lower-back pain and that from sprained ankles and migraines. The finding could open the door to Australian hospitals offering the Chinese therapy, which is used by more than 1 billion people worldwide for pain relief." read more
Can Acupuncture Treat Depression?, Scientific American Journal →
Can Acupuncture Treat Depression?
Excerpt "A growing number of people are seeking alternatives to antidepressant medications, and new research suggests that acupuncture could be a promising option. One new study found the traditional Chinese practice to be as effective as antidepressants, and a different study found that acupuncture may help treat medications' side effects." read more
How Acupuncture Relieves Stress, Huffington Post →
How Acupuncture Relieves Stress
Excerpt "Good news, acupuncture fans: It really does help relieve stress. And now, a new study is giving a closer look at why. The new study explores the biological mechanisms involved in acupuncture’s stress-relieving abilities, something science has yet to fully understand. The researchers discovered that stress hormones were lower in rats that had received electronic acupuncture. Results were published in the Journal of Endocrinology." read more
Acupuncture Reduces Hot Flashes Night Sweats in Menopause, Medical News Today →
Acupuncture Reduces Hot Flashes Night Sweats in Menopause
Excerpt "Acupuncture treatments may reduce the frequency of symptoms during menopause. This was the conclusion of a study that found, compared with menopausal women who did not receive the treatment, hot flashes and night sweats reduced by over a third in menopausal women who received acupuncture. This benefit lasted for at least 6 months. " read more
Acupuncture Lowers Blood Pressure, Daily Herald →
Acupuncture Lowers Blood Pressure
Excerpt "One might imagine that if someone were sticking needles in your body that your blood pressure would go up. But, a recent study on the effects of acupuncture and high blood pressure demonstrated that the exact opposite can happen. Indeed, acupuncture needles placed in the right points on the body can significantly lower blood pressure and these results persist over time." read more
Military Pokes Holes In Acupuncture Skeptics Theory, National Public Radio →
Military Pokes Holes In Acupuncture Skeptics Theory
Excerpt "I actually had a demonstration of acupuncture on me, and I'm not a spring chicken," she says, "and it didn't make me 16 again, but it certainly did make me feel better than I had, so I figured, hey ... let's give it a shot with our soldiers here." In recent years, military doctors have turned to acupuncture in special pain clinics and for troops in battle zones. Last year, the Army surgeon general began making the alternative treatments more widely available." read more