Acupuncture and Athletes,

 "Why All Athletes Should Use Acupuncture"

Excerpt  "NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck does it. So does hockey superstar Jaromir Jagr. Olympic high-jumper Amy Acuff likes it so much that she learned how to practice it herself. New York City Ballet dancers swear by it. ..... Acupuncture is an effectivetreatment for sports injuries because it resolves pain, accelerates healing and increases range of motion. Acupuncture achieves this by decreasing inflammation, swelling and bruising; relaxing muscles and relieving spasms; lowering the body’s pain response and improving circulation."   read more


Acupuncture For Insomnia Treatment, University Health News

 Acupuncture For Insomnia Treatment

Excerpt "The first time I tried acupuncture, I was nervous. I wasn’t afraid of needles, per se, but the idea of someone poking them into my skin still made me highly uncomfortable. But to my pleasant surprise, I found acupuncture to be nothing like I thought it would be.  Many studies have found acupuncture to be as effective as commonly used insomnia medications.  In one study, patients either received acupuncture once per week or took 10 mg of zolpidem every night. Both groups showed similar improvements in sleep quality, suggesting that the acupuncture treatment was as effective as the pharmaceutical treatment. But whereas drug treatment can result in serious side effects, acupuncture had little side effects and is generally quite safe."    read more

Air Force Doctors Use Acupuncture In Combat, NBC News

Air Force Doctors use Acupuncture in Combat

Excerpt  'Battlefield acupuncture'
"Now the Air Force, which runs the military's only acupuncture clinic, is training doctors to take acupuncture to the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan. A pilot program starting in March will prepare 44 Air Force, Navy and Army doctors to use acupuncture as part of emergency care in combat and in frontline hospitals.  They will learn battlefield acupuncture, a method Niemtzow developed in 2001 that uses the short needles to better fit under combat helmets so soldiers can continue their missions with the needles inserted to relieve pain."   read more

Benefits of Acupuncture, US News and World Report

Benefits of Acupuncture

Excerpt  "For more than 3,500 years, acupuncture has been providing relief to people around the world. Originally developed and practiced in China, this soothing therapy is today embraced by patients who seek to alleviate symptoms caused by ailments that range from arthritis to migraines to the aftereffects of chemotherapy. It has even been proven effective in helping people stop smoking."    read more

Top 3 Suprises About Acupuncture, Huffington Post

Top 3 Surprises About Acupuncture

Excerpt  "Ask most people why other people get acupuncture and the majority will say pain. It’s true that acupuncture can work wonders on pain conditions — for everything from low back pain to migraines and TMJ.  However, acupuncture can alleviate a wide variety of ailments that have nothing to do with physical pain. Whether you have digestive issues, gynecological conditions,  anxiety and depression, asthma, seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help address your symptoms".  readmore


Acupuncture Research on Migraines,

Acupuncture Research on Migraines

Excerpt  "A study published in the medical journal Internal Medicine said acupuncture may be helpful in reducing the frequency of migraines and preventing attacks. Researchers in China found that properly administered acupuncture therapy may reduce the frequency of the most common types of migraines."  read more